In An Emergency
These are just some useful tips to help you out in an emergency. They are only a guide so please consult a vet if any of these accidents do happen.
Road Accidents
Remove cat from immediate danger if at all possible. Do not tip or twist the body; keep flat to avoid putting pressure on internal injuries, such as a ruptured diaphragm. Clear airways of fluids and discharge which may obstruct breathing. Wrap the cat securely in a blanket or old coat to keep it warm and prevent it escaping, struggling or scratching.
Consult Vet.
Collapse and Shock
Keep the cat dry, warm and comfortable. The head should be lower than the body to help blood reach the brain. Maintain breathing manually by laying the cat on its side and applying pressure to the ribs every 5 seconds or so and immediately releasing. Check the heart beat at intervals.
Consult Vet.
Get the cat out of the water, fast. If there are no signs of life, hold the cat by its hind legs and swing between your legs to drain the lungs of water. The cat may still not be breathing. Lay it on its side and, using both hands, press the ribcage firmly every 5 seconds. Check the heart beat at intervals.
Consult vet.
Road Accidents
Remove cat from immediate danger if at all possible. Do not tip or twist the body; keep flat to avoid putting pressure on internal injuries, such as a ruptured diaphragm. Clear airways of fluids and discharge which may obstruct breathing. Wrap the cat securely in a blanket or old coat to keep it warm and prevent it escaping, struggling or scratching.
Consult Vet.
Collapse and Shock
Keep the cat dry, warm and comfortable. The head should be lower than the body to help blood reach the brain. Maintain breathing manually by laying the cat on its side and applying pressure to the ribs every 5 seconds or so and immediately releasing. Check the heart beat at intervals.
Consult Vet.
Get the cat out of the water, fast. If there are no signs of life, hold the cat by its hind legs and swing between your legs to drain the lungs of water. The cat may still not be breathing. Lay it on its side and, using both hands, press the ribcage firmly every 5 seconds. Check the heart beat at intervals.
Consult vet.